Questões de Adjetivos | Adjectives (Inglês)

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In the fragment in the seventh paragraph of the text “One of the problems, though, was that counterfeiters had great success with paper bills”, the word in bold is associated with the idea of

  • A time
  • B addition
  • C condition
  • D emphasis
  • E opposition

The adjective in “the poorest countries” (5th paragraph) is in the same form as

  • A All nations should be more attentive to the homeless.
  • B Ghana will be having a fine chocolate harvest in 2050.
  • C Brazil is one amongst many coffee-producing countries.
  • D It is hard to point out the most comfortable places on Earth.
  • E Hopefully by 2050 there will be fewer climate-related issues.

The adjective in “is it fair for the state to collect through taxes” (1st paragraph) is equivalent in meaning to

  • A bewildering.
  • B befuddling.
  • C bemusing.
  • D beguiling.
  • E befitting.

Consider the following excerpt from the text: 
“As customers have greater access to decent broadband internet speeds, video becomes a more practical, appealing, and expected option to get support” (l. 01-02).
The underlined words represent comparative structures. Mark the option below that shows the correct superlative forms of these adjectives, in the order they are presented in the text:

  • A The greater access – the practicalest option.
  • B The greatest access – the most practical option.
  • C The most great access – the more practical option.
  • D A gretest access – a morest practical option.
  • E A most grater access – a most practical option.

In the sentence “4. Ensure the security of emerging technologies...”, the word emerging functions as

  • A a noun.
  • B a verb.
  • C an adjective.
  • D an adverb.