Questões de Artigos | Articles (Inglês)

Limpar Busca

The overall position of the article is rather

  • A flimsy.
  • B gloomy.
  • C scornful.
  • D awkward.
  • E supportive.

Mark the alternative that best completes the blanks in lines 15 and 16 (both occurrences) in order.

  • A an – a – the
  • B a – a – the
  • C the – the – a
  • D the – a – a
  • E a – an – the

In the phrase “collaborative learning partnerships” (1st paragraph), the word “learning” is a(n)

  • A verb.
  • B noun.
  • C article.
  • D adverb.
  • E adjective.
Judge the follow item concerning the ideas and linguistic features of the previous text.

In the excerpt “as the means for fulfilling other possible rights, like happiness” (in the last sentence of the second paragraph), the presence of “the” indicates that people’s happiness depends on them having their civil and political rights respected and guaranteed.
  • Certo
  • Errado

Observe as sentenças abaixo:

I - My father always was an honest man.

II - He built a hospital downtown.

III - Today, his hospital is also a university

Assinale a alternativa correta: 

  • A O artigo indefinido está sendo usado incorretamente nas três sentenças.
  • B O artigo indefinido está sendo usado corretamente somete nas sentenças II e III.
  • C O artigo indefinido está sendo usado corretamente somete nas sentenças I e III.
  • D O artigo indefinido está sendo usado corretamente somete nas sentenças I e II.
  • E O uso do artigo indefinido está correto nas três sentenças.