Questões de Determinantes e quantificadores | Determiners and quantifiers (Inglês)

Limpar Busca

Classifique cada palavra da frase, a seguir, de acordo com suas respectivas categorias.
He might drive down my street.

  • A pronoun – auxiliary – verb – preposition – determiner – noun.
  • B pronoun – determiner – verb – noun – auxiliary – preposition.
  • C noun – auxiliary – verb – pronoun – preposition – determiner.
  • D auxiliary – pronoun – verb – noun – preposition – determiner.
  • E pronoun – auxiliary – berb – determiner – preposition – noun.
Complete sentences below using much, many, few and little 1. My mother did not have ______ money. 2. She only has ______ days left before retirement. 3. We still have ______ eggs. 4. He has ______ time, so she can?t stop by on her way to work.
  • A many - little - few - much
  • B little - much - many - few
  • C much - few - many - little
  • D few - many - little - much
  • E few - many - little - much

Which option completes the text below correctly?

   Ultimately you cant go long term without an appropriate duration of sleep, so it's important to try to get ______ sleep ______ nights.
   While everyone's exact sleep requirements are different, on average you should be geiting between six and nine hours of sleep a night. Your brain is hardwired for what it needs. Getting less sleep than you need can cause sleepiness and moodiness, as well as difficulty concentrating, poor coordination and poor work quality.
    Overall it's important to try to maintain a consistent and regular sleep cycle. Be aware that when you miss sleep, itll take ______ days to get back on track.
(Adapted from https:/

  • A much /all / a little
  • B much / every / any
  • C enough / every / a little
  • D enough / most / a few
  • E many / most / a few

Escolha a alternativa que completa correta e respectivamente a sentença abaixo.
“___________ people hunt wild animals for sport. _________ damage has been caused by this kind of hunting”.

  • A Many … many.
  • B Many … much.
  • C Much … much
  • D Much … many.

In Standard English, the verse “We don't need no education” is considered ungrammatical. Thus, without changing its meaning, the CORRECT version would be:

  • A We do need education.
  • B We don't need any education.
  • C We don't need none education.
  • D We don't need education anymore.
  • E We don't need no education at all.