Questões de Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa (Inglês)

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The Audio Lingual Method aims at specific grammar instruction while the Direct Method brings out lexical teaching. 

  • A The Audio Lingual Method aims at specific grammar instruction while the Direct Method brings out lexical teaching.
  • B The Audio Lingual Method is based on the behaviourist premisse of conditioning and the furnishing of patterns.
  • C The Audio Lingual Method concentrates on the mother tongue translation and the Direct Method targets language acquisition.
  • D The Direct Method is based on computer studies, setting emphasis on authentic materials for teaching grammar inductively.
Which of the following options does NOT match the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach description introduced in the text?
  • A The goal is to improve the ability to communicate in target language.
  • B Use of realistic daily life situations to approach the language acquisition.
  • C Learning complex grammar rules leads to automatism and competence.
  • D Communicative competence is valued over grammatical competence.
Analise as afirmativas a seguir e assinale a alternativa correta em referência à estratégia de leitura skimming.
I. É um modo de leitura rápida. É usado para obter uma rápida impressão geral da ideia central do texto. Durante a aplicação desse modo de leitura, o professor controla o tempo que os alunos usam para ler o texto. Um dos objetivos dessa modalidade é evitar que os alunos usem o dicionário para traduzir todas as palavras que não conhecem. II. É uma técnica/estratégia de leitura não-linear para encontrar uma informação específica, ignorarmos quaisquer outros detalhes do texto, portanto, não é preciso lê-lo como um todo, mas ser seletivo, sem se ater a detalhes. III. Tem como objetivo fazer com que o leitor esteja atento às informações específicas. O uso dessa técnica/estratégia mostra que o leitor observa mais a forma de palavras, pois é a elas que ele procura no texto.
  • A Apenas a afirmativa I está correta
  • B Apenas a afirmativa II está correta
  • C Apenas a afirmativa III está correta
  • D Apenas as afirmativas I e II estão corretas
  • E Apenas as afirmativas II e III estão corretas

The curriculum published by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019), sets new goals and directions for learning and provides guidance to those involved in education. Such goals are distributed into three cycles for Primary Education (Years 1 to 9), as listed below. Match these cycles to their pertinent goals:
1. Literacy Cycle 2. Interdisciplinary Cycle 3. Authoring Cycle
( ) Recognize instructions that indicate body movements (EF01LI09; p. 75); ( ) Recognize the difference between layouts of texts from various media, according to the context (EF07LI06, p.85); ( ) Recognize words in English looking at images in games such as bingo and tic-tac-toe (EF04LI10, p.80); ( ) Recognize narrative elements such as characters, plot, time and space in a group work situation (EF03LI04; p.77); ( ) Recognize language variation as a manifestation of different ways of thinking and expressing the world (EF07LI25, p.87).
The item with the correct sequence is:

  • A 2 – 1 – 3 – 3 – 2.
  • B 3 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 3.
  • C 1 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 1.
  • D 2 – 3 – 2 – 3 - 1.
  • E 1 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 3.

Siqueira (2011) holds that to deal with the challenges of teaching a "deterritorialized" language like English, teachers should agree with the following suggestions, except:

  • A Use textbooks and materials produced both locally and internationally.
  • B Introduce students to literary/artistic productions from Africa, Asia and America.
  • C Recognize intercultural competence as part of English language proficiency.
  • D Avoid teaching English following the cultural models and practices of native speakers.
  • E Assume that English teaching is successful when inner circle countries are given priority.