Questões de Passado perfeito | Past perfect (Inglês)

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Leia a definição: “Este tempo verbal é usado para indicar a ação que foi completada antes de outra ação ocorrer”. Assinale a qual tempo verbal esta ação se refere.
  • A Past perfect
  • B Past continuous
  • C Simple past + non-action verb
  • D Simple past + adverb
  • E Simple past + used to

Observe a análise linguística abaixo e responda ao que se pede.

I. Em “Salad dressing, something we never used before, is also popular now. ”, o termo dressing, na expressão sublinhada, é um substantivo e significa, em português, molho.

II. No trecho I fear our traditional way of doing things will soon be forgotten.”, o termo sublinhado é uma expressão idiomática que corresponde a “Eu confio”.

III. No 1º parágrafo, as palavras affected, restaurants, traditional e ingredients são palavras cognatas, mas popular é falsa cognata.

IV. No trecho “Traditionally Koreans don’t use individual plates for eating main dishes.”, as palavras plates e dishes são substantivos e têm significados semelhantes.

V. Em “Before, we had never rewarded good service with money”, foi empregado o past perfect, e o verbo destacado significa recompensar.

Estão CORRETAS apenas

  • A I e III.
  • B I, IV e V.
  • C III e V.
  • D II e IV.
  • E I, II e III.

In the sentence “The main aim was to build new areas of protected rainforest, maintain areas of the rainforest that hadn’t yet been destroyed, and stop deforestation.”, the underlined words are in the:

  • A Passive voice.
  • B Past perfect.
  • C Present perfect.
  • D Simple past.
  • E Reported speech.

Complete the text with the correct words:
Liz Truss is _________ under pressure from Tory MPs to ensure benefits rise in line with prices, with minister Penny Mordaunt arguing it "makes sense". Former PM Boris Johnson _________ benefits would rise with inflation. Ms Truss has refused to say she _________ maintain the commitment, as she faces questions over how to pay for her government's tax-cutting plans. The PM told the BBC a decision _________ yet been made, as the issue dominated Tory party conference in Birmingham. Speaking to Times Radio, Ms Mordaunt said: "We tomake sure that people are looked after and that people can paytheir bills. We are not about _________ to help people with one hand and take away with another."  _________ if she welcomed Ms Mordaunt _________ her views public, Ms Truss said: "I _________ forward to having those discussions." 
( )

  • A Coming, pledged, would, hadn't, want, trying, asked, making, look
  • B Come, pledged, would, hasn’t, want, try, ask, making, looked
  • C Coming, pledg, will, hasn’t, want, trying, asked, made, looking
  • D Come, pledged, would, hadn’t, wants, to try, asks, making, looking
  • E Coming, pledging, won’t, has, wants, tryed, aked, making, look

Identify the alternatives below as ( T ) true or ( F ) false.
( ) The underlined word in “… it helps to know more about hot air balloons themselves.“ is a relative pronoun.
( ) The preposition in the following sentence “…keeping the balloon floating above the ground.” means that the balloon is floating over the ground.
( ) The words ‘actually’, ‘push’, and ‘major’ mean in Portuguese: ‘atualmente’, puxar’ and ‘maior’.
( ) The negative form of “A hot air balloon has three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the envelope.” is “A hot balloon doesn’t have three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the envelope.”
( ) The tense used in the question “Have you ever wondered what keeps a hot air balloon flying?”, is an example of Past Perfect.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

  • A T • F • T • T • F
  • B T • F • F • T • F
  • C F • T • F • T • F
  • D F • T • F • F • T
  • E F • F • T • T • F