Questões de Passado simples | Simple past (Inglês)

Limpar Busca

Consider the following statements about the word “can” in the sentence “Video can explain steps more naturally” (l. 13) in the context presented in the article: 
I. Its past form is “could”. II. It could be replaced by “must” with no significative changes in meaning. III. It expresses permission.
Which statements are correct?

  • A Only I.
  • B Only II.
  • C Only III.
  • D Only I and II.
  • E Only I and III.
A gramática da língua inglesa define o Simple Past Tense (Tempo Passado Simples) como um “tempo verbal que é usado para falar sobre coisas que aconteceram ou existiram antes do presente”. Assinale a alternativa em que o Simple Past Tense esteja correto.
  • A Did Paige went to work yesterday?
  • B Phoebe thinked that Cole was ill
  • C Prudence studied music at school last year
  • D John not cooked last week
  • E Do John cook for us every day?
Leia a definição: “Este tempo verbal é usado para indicar a ação que foi completada antes de outra ação ocorrer”. Assinale a qual tempo verbal esta ação se refere.
  • A Past perfect
  • B Past continuous
  • C Simple past + non-action verb
  • D Simple past + adverb
  • E Simple past + used to

Jane! I shouted... Where are you dear?

I am here, near the gas station… she replied.

The verbs “shouted” and “replied” underlined in the text refer to: 

  • A Simple Present.
  • B Present Continuous.
  • C Past Continuous.
  • D Simple Past.

In the sentence “The main aim was to build new areas of protected rainforest, maintain areas of the rainforest that hadn’t yet been destroyed, and stop deforestation.”, the underlined words are in the:

  • A Passive voice.
  • B Past perfect.
  • C Present perfect.
  • D Simple past.
  • E Reported speech.