Questões de Pronome reflexivo | Reflexive Pronoun (Inglês)

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Sabe-se que os pronomes reflexivos podem ter uma função enfática. Neste caso, eles se adaptam à pessoa ou à coisa que será enfatizada. Diante do exposto, analise as afirmativas a seguir e assinale a alternativa correta.
I. Mary is a journalist. She talked to the prime minister theirself. II. Mary is a journalist. She talked to herself the prime minister. III. Mary is a journalist. She talked to the prime minister herself. IV. The journalist, Mary, talked to the prime minister him.
  • A Apenas a afirmativa I está correta
  • B Apenas a afirmativa II está correta
  • C Apenas a afirmativa III está correta
  • D Apenas as afirmativas I e II estão corretas
  • E Apenas as afirmativas II e IV estão corretas

Judge the following item concerning the ideas and linguistic features of the previous text.

The pronoun “themselves” (in the third sentence of the second paragraph) refers to “Some philosophers”, in the same sentence. 

  • Certo
  • Errado

Observe as sentenças a seguir:

I - For now on you have your own bedroom.

II - My father was a bus driver for 10 years.

III - My mother-in-law is very sweet.

Assinale a alternativa correta: 

  • A A sentença I não possui verbo.
  • B As três sentenças possuem substantivos compostos.
  • C A sentença III possui um erro ortográfico.
  • D As sentenças II e III possuem pronomes reflexivos.
  • E A sentença I possui um pronome demonstrativo.

Choose the alternative that presents a reflexive pronoun.

  • A “to find a balance between their work and life” (lines 2 and 3)
  • B “They need to work” (lines 4 and 5)
  • C “some major bug in their application” (lines 6 and 7)
  • D “They stretch themselves” (line 7)
  • E “balance between your career and your personal life” (lines 16 and 17)

The words “longing”, “change”, “myself” and “hardcore”, underlined in the text, are respectively:

  • A verb, verb, possessive pronoun, noun
  • B verb, noun, reflexive pronoun, adjective
  • C adjective, verb, adjective pronoun, noun
  • D adjective, noun, reflexive pronoun, adjective