Questões de Uso dos adjetivos | Use of adjectives (Inglês)

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The adjective in “the poorest countries” (5th paragraph) is in the same form as

  • A All nations should be more attentive to the homeless.
  • B Ghana will be having a fine chocolate harvest in 2050.
  • C Brazil is one amongst many coffee-producing countries.
  • D It is hard to point out the most comfortable places on Earth.
  • E Hopefully by 2050 there will be fewer climate-related issues.
Leia o fragmento “He sold several patent rights”, considere que há uma sequência de colocação de adjetivos. Assinale a alternativa que siga a mesma ordem de adjetivos.
  • A Various different vases
  • B Very luck
  • C What’s up
  • D I like icecream
  • E No, I don’t like it

Escreva as palavras, na ordem correta: 

Black – straight – long – hair. 

  • A long black straight hair.
  • B long straight black hair.
  • C black straight long hair.
  • D straight long black hair.
  • E black long straight hair.

The only victim of the crash was the ________ pilot.

  • A young Italian beautiful
  • B beautiful Italian young
  • C Italian beautiful young
  • D beautiful young Italian

Considering parts of speech, it is possible to say that the words debatable and positive are:

  • A both adverbs
  • B both adjectives
  • C adjective and adverb, respectively
  • D adverb and adjective, respectively