Questões de Verbos modais | Modal verbs (Inglês)

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In “If you met Valeriia, you might think she’s shy, her mother Taisiia told TIME, but don’t be fooled; at home, she commands attention.”, the use of MIGHT indicates:
  • A Prospect.
  • B Certainty.
  • C Reliability.
  • D Acknowledgement.

The use of the modal verb can in “can also introduce security issues” indicates that

  • A It is certain that rapid developments in new technologies lead to the introduction of security issues.
  • B It is mandatory that rapid developments in new technologies lead to the introduction of security issues.
  • C It is permitted that rapid developments in new technologies lead to the introduction of security issues.
  • D It is possible that rapid developments in new technologies lead to the introduction of security issues.

In case you have a frozen screen, you should restart the computer. Doing so gives your system a chance to reset and start fresh. The best way to restart a frozen computer is to hold the power button down for five to 10 seconds.

Internet: <>.

In the text above, the modal verb “should” expresses  

  • A permission/request.
  • B ability.
  • C prohibition.
  • D suggestion/advice.
  • E obligation/necessity.

The modal in “how it might feel to be in the minority” (3rd paragraph) indicates

  • A possibility.
  • B suggestion.
  • C obligation.
  • D necessity.
  • E certainty.

According to the cartoon above, choose the correct alternative.

  • A The cartoon conveys the idea of certainty.
  • B The modal “could” expresses possibility.
  • C The word “repair” could be correctly replaced with repairs, because the article “an” can also be used before plural nouns.
  • D In the cartoon, “it” is an object pronoun.
  • E The adjective “expensive” is the opposite of costly.