Questões de Concursos do Academia da Força Aérea (AFA)

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Considere, no Plano de Argand-Gauss, os números complexos z = x + yi, em que x e y são números reais e i a unidade imaginária.
Sobre a igualdade Imagem relacionada à questão do Questões Estratégicas é correto afirmar que

  • A Imagem relacionada à questão do Questões Estratégicas
  • B |z| = 2√2
  • C o argumento de z é θ = 3π/4
  • D i.z tem afixo no 3º quadrante.

In paragraph 2, the option that fits the gap appropriately in standard language is

  • A have been studied.
  • B has been studied.
  • C has studied.
  • D is studied.

Earlier experiments showed that

  • A individuals surrounded by other participants might be tricked into providing a wrong answer.
  • B personal beliefs provide guidance when there’s uncertainty and lack of information.
  • C the Autokinectic Effect describes how light can improve people’s perception.
  • D the influence of the opinion of others can help us make correct decisions.

Mark the option that makes an appropriate title for the text.

  • A 5 Tips For Better Decisions at Work
  • B Why Can Decision-Making Be So Simple?
  • C Should You Do What Everyone Else Is Doing?
  • D New Research Suggests That Machines Can Give Better Recommendations Than People

In the text, the word even (line 31)

  • A is used for emphasis or surprise.
  • B has the same meaning as just.
  • C expresses a negative idea.
  • D means exactly.