Questões de Concursos da Prefeitura Municipal de Guaraciaba

Limpar Busca

Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of paragraphs 02, 04 and 05.

  • A To - At - Of.
  • B For - On - From.
  • C To - Next - Under.
  • D For - In - Up.

Consider the following assertives:
I.The word "deserves" (7º§) could be translated as "merece".
II.The word "degree" (7º§) is a verb.
III.The word "raiding" (7º§) could be replaced by "framing".

Which one(s) is(are) correct?

  • A Only I and II.
  • B Only III.
  • C Only II.
  • D Only I.

According to the text, it is possible to say that civilization on Easter Island:

  • A Collapsed much earlier than previously thought.
  • B Had a government system very close to that of European peoples.
  • C Was much poorer artistically than imagined.
  • D Was full of rituals, with no signs of decline, when the Spaniards who landed there in 1770.

O município de Guaraciaba/SC é banhado por cinco rios sendo eles:
I.Peperiguaçu. II.Tijucas. III.Flores. IV.Urussanga V.Índio.

  • A I, II, III apenas.
  • B I, III e V apenas.
  • C I, II, III e IV apenas.
  • D I, II, III. IV.

Consider a sentence below:
(5º§)Further supporting these results are historical documents from the island's first European visitors.
Considering the context of the sentence, choose an alternative that presents a synonym for "further".

  • A But.
  • B Moreover.
  • C Meantime.
  • D Though.