Questões da Prova da Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (ABIN) - Agente de Inteligência - CESPE/CEBRASPE (2018)

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Based on text CB3A5AAA, judge the following item.

It can be inferred from the text that a bill, as in “Investigatory Powers Bill” (ℓ.24), is a new law that was presented to Parliament for discussion, passed and is ready to be enacted.

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Based on text CB3A5AAA, judge the following item.

According to the text, the events that followed the September 11th attacks, as well as the systematic leaking of government classified material, have helped shape the way some intelligence agencies have been operating.

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Based on text CB3A5AAA, judge the following item.

The author of the text implies that the fight against terrorism is no longer a major priority for Anglo-American intelligence services.

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Based on text CB3A5AAA, judge the following item.

In the text, “along with” (ℓ.5) can be correctly replaced with the synonymous expression after a long time.

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Based on text CB3A5AAA, judge the following item.

As far as the use of apostrophes is concerned, there is significant difference in meaning between “users’” (ℓ.26) and user’s.

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