Questões da Prova do Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (REFAP SA) - Advogado - CESGRANRIO (2007)

Limpar Busca

The main purpose of the text is to:

  • A criticize the release of the report Biofuels for Transportation.
  • B highlight the potential of biofuels as substitutes for conventional fuels.
  • C expose the several risks associated with the use of biofuels in transportation.
  • D suggest the elimination of oil as transport fuel to reduce pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • E warn against the agricultural and ecological damages associated with the production of biofuels.

Based on what Christopher Flavin, President of the Worldwatch Institute, has said, it is possible to state that:

  • A reducing climate-altering emissions ought to relieve pressure on oil prices.
  • B strengthening agricultural economies will naturally increase the environmental impact of oil production.
  • C creating new technologies is an alternative to expanding biofuel markets in an effort to reduce oil prices.
  • D extending the market for biofuels will ultimately reduce the price of oil and improve agricultural economies.
  • E in fighting against higher fuel prices and supportive government polices, the Worldwatch Institute will support the growth of oil production.

According to the text, Brazil:

  • A actually grows 40% of the sugar cane crop in the world.
  • B currently produces biofuel that costs far more than gasoline.
  • C will eventually lead the world market of non-diesel transport fuel.
  • D competes with the United States for the 2% of non-diesel transport fuel.
  • E will possibly be surpassed by the United States in terms of biofuel production.

Some of the benefits of the increase in biofuel production listed by the author are:

  • A increase the profits achieved in agriculture and maximize ecological risks.
  • B boost energy security and hinder next-generation biofuel conversion techniques.
  • C improve the economic potential of rural areas and reduce global dependence on oil.
  • D reduce pollution in rural areas and minimize competition between food and fuel crops.
  • E control emission of greenhouse gases and discourage expansion onto ecologically valuable lands.

Uma circunferência sobre um plano determina duas regiões nesse mesmo plano. Duas circunferências distintas sobre um mesmo plano determinam, no máximo, 4 regiões. Quantas regiões, no máximo, 3 circunferências distintas sobre um mesmo plano podem determinar nesse plano?

  • A 4
  • B 5
  • C 6
  • D 7
  • E 8