Questões da Prova do Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (REFAP SA) - Analista de Sistemas - CESGRANRIO (2007)

Limpar Busca

The main purpose of the text is to:

  • A criticize the release of the report Biofuels for Transportation.
  • B highlight the potential of biofuels as substitutes for conventional fuels.
  • C expose the several risks associated with the use of biofuels in transportation.
  • D suggest the elimination of oil as transport fuel to reduce pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • E warn against the agricultural and ecological damages associated with the production of biofuels.

According to paragraphs 2 and 3:

  • A the daily production of biofuels in 2005 barely reached 670,000 barrels.
  • B the USA is responsible for 15% of the world's corn production.
  • C the production of biofuel has dramatically decreased in the last few years.
  • D soon, one percent of transport fuel in the world will be produced from agricultural crops.
  • E nowadays, less than 4% of the world's fuel for transportation is not derived from oil.

Based on what Christopher Flavin, President of the Worldwatch Institute, has said, it is possible to state that:

  • A reducing climate-altering emissions ought to relieve pressure on oil prices.
  • B strengthening agricultural economies will naturally increase the environmental impact of oil production.
  • C creating new technologies is an alternative to expanding biofuel markets in an effort to reduce oil prices.
  • D extending the market for biofuels will ultimately reduce the price of oil and improve agricultural economies.
  • E in fighting against higher fuel prices and supportive government polices, the Worldwatch Institute will support the growth of oil production.

According to the text, Brazil:

  • A actually grows 40% of the sugar cane crop in the world.
  • B currently produces biofuel that costs far more than gasoline.
  • C will eventually lead the world market of non-diesel transport fuel.
  • D competes with the United States for the 2% of non-diesel transport fuel.
  • E will possibly be surpassed by the United States in terms of biofuel production.

"This surging growth..." (line 21) refers to:

  • A ethanol production.
  • B sugar cane crop.
  • C corn crop.
  • D gasoline.
  • E diesel.