According to the ideas expressed in the text, we verify that
A after those conclusive evidences presented by the scientific publishing, the US space agency is certain about the nature of water deposits and how easily they are available for future lunar explorers to use.
B scientists also found that permanently shadowed lunar areas are storing and trapping water which means that those areas could also extend the researching places for future lunar station construction.
C the encountered water-ice on the shadowing lunar surface is going to be the groundwork for lunar economy and it is going to be extracted by explorers who are going to live on the lunar base.
D building a permanent lunar base station on the moon surface is a conviction by the Open University researcher and it will occur in a short term on a peculiar lunar spot already chosen by him.
E the amount of water found by US space agency on the lunar shadowed surface occurs to happen in such quality and quantity to meet the demands of a re-fuelling rocket to further space travels.